Topics - Want to move, volunteer, travelling, internship, etc.
Hey friends and family,
I am super pumped (stoked, thrilled, etc.) to be able to go to Nathan Cobb's wedding this weekend in PA!!! If you are not aware, Nathan was one of my college roommates and a close friend from Union University. He asked me to be a groomsman. As far as traveling, we will travel halfway and stay at Gray's house in Fairfax, Va, another former college roommate who is also going to the wedding. We plan to spend Friday morning in the Wash D.C. area before traveling the rest of the way to Doublin Gap, PA by 4:30 in the pm. Please pray for our travels this weekend if you think about it. On Friday and Saturday night, we will stay in a church-owned, double-wide trailer with Nathan and Jonathan (also a former college roommate).

an old school pic from back in the day (2006) left to right: yours truly, Larisa, Mary, Jonathan, and Nathan
Also, this Friday will mark the Byrdhouse six-month anniversary! It is crazy how time flies. We both feel like God has taught us a bunch about Himself and also has revealed a lot of the sinfulness that needs to be purged from our terribly wicked hearts. Praise God that He sent His Son to be the perfect, atoning sacrifice for our sins. Because of this great gift, we no longer have to be enslaved to sin, but we can live daily in the joy of His resurrection, His ultimate victory over the reign of sin and death. I'm also glad that Christ's righteousness has been imputed (credited) to believers. Simply put, on Judgment Day, Christ will basically be our attorney. Believers get to use His righteousness, the only means by which to enter into heaven. This is the case because of God's Holiness. Therefore, God cannot dwell in the midst of sin. Upon man's salvation, Christ and His incredible holiness enters our hearts. God gives us His Holy Spirit for sanctification, in which, by His grace, we become more like Jesus every day. This is great news in several ways - one being that we do not have to and can't rely on our own good works nor our own righteousness for our salvation. No one is righteous, no not one (Romans 3:9-18). Praise God for the Church because I believe that our elders and teachers have clearly taught us clearly these truths in Scripture. In addition, Rebecca and I have also been encouraged by our "small group" (accountability group) at church. For those who haven't heard about this concept, our Church (the Church, meaning the body of believers, not the building) centers on small groups, the idea of intense Bible study and reflection, as well as gender-specific accountability, in an attempt to help each believer stomp out sin in his or her own life. If these ideas about a small group make you curious, then you can read the FREE pdf copy of CJ Mahaney's book, Why Small Groups?
Some other resources that we haved used to help us grow are music and some awesome sermons. If you have run across Reach Records and the 116 clique (Christian rap music), then you have found something incredible. These guys are boldly and unashamedly sharing the Gospel through their music, teaching curriculums, neighborhood ministries, etc. I have found no other music with this amount of theology and the "real" factor. For example, they are talking about the real, day-in, day-out Christian life, not that cotton-candy hogwash that is rampant in our ultra-comfortable culture.
Sin is at the root of the human condition, so they address it extensively. Please watch out for preachers that don't address sin. Sin is what separates us from a relationship with God. It's the ABC's of salvation - Admit that you're a sinner, Believe in your heart the truths about Christ revealed in Scripture (his perfect life, death, burial, resurrection, etc.), and Confess your sins, a life that consists of continued repentance to our God and Father. This kind of life change will be obvious to others, but it being to bear the righteous fruit in accordance with God's Word, meaning exactly what Paul writes to the church in Galatia, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another" (Galatians 5:22-25).
In addition to the 116 clique, I recently bought Jimmy Needham's CD, Not Without Love, which also fits the qualifications that I mentioned previously with the 116 clique. This CD has a chill, acoustic vibe with honest lyrics. It reminds me a little of Shane & Shane, as well as a few secular artists of that similar genre.
In regards to sermons, we have recently been listening to pastor Mark Driscoll's sermon series on the Song of Songs, called the Peasant Princess. It's an awesome series for married folks, but also very good for singles interested in getting married. This series is dripping with wisdom, so soak it up if you want. Mark's preaching is extremely relevant to today's generation, yet is uncompromising in God-honoring doctrine.
What we're thinking about moving...We've been interested a while about moving into a community outside of the seminary/Christian bubble, into a place of diversity and need We want to invest our lives in a community with people different than us, but we would also be learning and being taught by our neighbors from the knowledge and wisdom they have obtained through their lives. Pray that God can make this happen - we are looking at two places, on in Wake Forest, one nearby in Rolesville.
Volunteering...I'm inquiring about volunteering at Pregnancy Support Services to be a counselor for the men. Hopefully, God will give me this opportunity to serve in this manner. I would have to be trained as a counselor by the elders of our church for this position.
There is an internship offered by our church...North Wake offers an internship to those interested in learning about leadership/teaching in the church. I will learning more about this in the days to come. I won't say much more because I don't want to ignorantly misinform you. I might have already done so.
I am super pumped (stoked, thrilled, etc.) to be able to go to Nathan Cobb's wedding this weekend in PA!!! If you are not aware, Nathan was one of my college roommates and a close friend from Union University. He asked me to be a groomsman. As far as traveling, we will travel halfway and stay at Gray's house in Fairfax, Va, another former college roommate who is also going to the wedding. We plan to spend Friday morning in the Wash D.C. area before traveling the rest of the way to Doublin Gap, PA by 4:30 in the pm. Please pray for our travels this weekend if you think about it. On Friday and Saturday night, we will stay in a church-owned, double-wide trailer with Nathan and Jonathan (also a former college roommate).
an old school pic from back in the day (2006) left to right: yours truly, Larisa, Mary, Jonathan, and Nathan
Also, this Friday will mark the Byrdhouse six-month anniversary! It is crazy how time flies. We both feel like God has taught us a bunch about Himself and also has revealed a lot of the sinfulness that needs to be purged from our terribly wicked hearts. Praise God that He sent His Son to be the perfect, atoning sacrifice for our sins. Because of this great gift, we no longer have to be enslaved to sin, but we can live daily in the joy of His resurrection, His ultimate victory over the reign of sin and death. I'm also glad that Christ's righteousness has been imputed (credited) to believers. Simply put, on Judgment Day, Christ will basically be our attorney. Believers get to use His righteousness, the only means by which to enter into heaven. This is the case because of God's Holiness. Therefore, God cannot dwell in the midst of sin. Upon man's salvation, Christ and His incredible holiness enters our hearts. God gives us His Holy Spirit for sanctification, in which, by His grace, we become more like Jesus every day. This is great news in several ways - one being that we do not have to and can't rely on our own good works nor our own righteousness for our salvation. No one is righteous, no not one (Romans 3:9-18). Praise God for the Church because I believe that our elders and teachers have clearly taught us clearly these truths in Scripture. In addition, Rebecca and I have also been encouraged by our "small group" (accountability group) at church. For those who haven't heard about this concept, our Church (the Church, meaning the body of believers, not the building) centers on small groups, the idea of intense Bible study and reflection, as well as gender-specific accountability, in an attempt to help each believer stomp out sin in his or her own life. If these ideas about a small group make you curious, then you can read the FREE pdf copy of CJ Mahaney's book, Why Small Groups?
Some other resources that we haved used to help us grow are music and some awesome sermons. If you have run across Reach Records and the 116 clique (Christian rap music), then you have found something incredible. These guys are boldly and unashamedly sharing the Gospel through their music, teaching curriculums, neighborhood ministries, etc. I have found no other music with this amount of theology and the "real" factor. For example, they are talking about the real, day-in, day-out Christian life, not that cotton-candy hogwash that is rampant in our ultra-comfortable culture.
Sin is at the root of the human condition, so they address it extensively. Please watch out for preachers that don't address sin. Sin is what separates us from a relationship with God. It's the ABC's of salvation - Admit that you're a sinner, Believe in your heart the truths about Christ revealed in Scripture (his perfect life, death, burial, resurrection, etc.), and Confess your sins, a life that consists of continued repentance to our God and Father. This kind of life change will be obvious to others, but it being to bear the righteous fruit in accordance with God's Word, meaning exactly what Paul writes to the church in Galatia, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another" (Galatians 5:22-25).
In addition to the 116 clique, I recently bought Jimmy Needham's CD, Not Without Love, which also fits the qualifications that I mentioned previously with the 116 clique. This CD has a chill, acoustic vibe with honest lyrics. It reminds me a little of Shane & Shane, as well as a few secular artists of that similar genre.
In regards to sermons, we have recently been listening to pastor Mark Driscoll's sermon series on the Song of Songs, called the Peasant Princess. It's an awesome series for married folks, but also very good for singles interested in getting married. This series is dripping with wisdom, so soak it up if you want. Mark's preaching is extremely relevant to today's generation, yet is uncompromising in God-honoring doctrine.
What we're thinking about moving...We've been interested a while about moving into a community outside of the seminary/Christian bubble, into a place of diversity and need We want to invest our lives in a community with people different than us, but we would also be learning and being taught by our neighbors from the knowledge and wisdom they have obtained through their lives. Pray that God can make this happen - we are looking at two places, on in Wake Forest, one nearby in Rolesville.
Volunteering...I'm inquiring about volunteering at Pregnancy Support Services to be a counselor for the men. Hopefully, God will give me this opportunity to serve in this manner. I would have to be trained as a counselor by the elders of our church for this position.
There is an internship offered by our church...North Wake offers an internship to those interested in learning about leadership/teaching in the church. I will learning more about this in the days to come. I won't say much more because I don't want to ignorantly misinform you. I might have already done so.
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