"Saint" - new poem

Hey friends,

I wrote the poem below during Sunday School class this morning. I promise I was paying attention. Actually, the class was awesome, and some words from our teacher, Mike Basham, helped inspire it. His words triggered a chain reaction of thoughts that God is trying to teach me. The topic was about teaching our children (or future children) the difference between confidence in God and self-confidence. It would have been helpful for a parent to have taught me these truths, but God has given me a unique testimony from my teenager years. I had pretty low self-esteem because, like almost every other teenager, I let what over people thought influence greatly how I viewed myself. We must teach children and teenagers to find their identity in Christ, not in clothes, cars, peer opinions, etc. The after-effect of this biblical teaching is SO freeing. I'm more confident now because of my confidence in Christ. It's foolish to rest our emotions or put our faith in anything besides Christ because the things on earth will pass away. Also, we as humans will pass away, and we can't take any of this junk with us.

King Solomon had a lot of stuff. His wealth surpassed that of anyone else on earth at that time. He gave up being faithful to his wife and dove headfirst into lustful pleasures, gathering up 700 wives and 300 concubines. For what?! Nothing. This junk did not fulfill him. He wasn't finding his worth or confidence in God, which, we see later in Ecclesiastes, caused him to despair. As a matter of fact, he tells us in Ecclesiastes 2:1, "I said in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with pleasure; enjoy yourself.” But behold, this also was vanity." This verse begins a discourse into other realms that did not satisfy...

Long story short. Your true identity can only be found in Christ. Read Col. 1:15-19 (this was one of our passages from this morning)

Eph. 3:18-21, 1 Peter 2:4-5

As I lift my hands and beat my chest
will the purging of my own sin give me rest?
If I know your blood washes my stains,
why do I let the guilt remain?
It's meaninless, it's wrong
It's as if the Gospel is a forgotten song
You don't want me to feel this way
Is this sin bad enough to live in shame?
No, it can't be!
The riches of your mercy and the glory of your name
give plenty of reason to desire your fame
It's in Christ and only in Him
His way, His truth, and His life give victory over sin
His blood conquered these stains,
and by His grace I'll never be the same
because, by His righteousness...

I'm called Saint.

p.s. I LOVE the song "I'm a Saint" on Lecrae's album Rebel.

~Jimmy B.


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