Byrd Family Christmas - Christmas Eve Dinner

Rebecca and I had a wonderful time yesterday at home celebrating Christmas Eve (as you can probably tell from the pictures and video).


We are preparing the bird here. We brined it overnight in salt, pepper, garlic, carrots, celery, and brown sugar. Right here we have just added some spices to the top:  rosemary, olive oil, marsala cooking wine, lemon, and other spices. Yummm!

Here is the dinner spread: homemade roasted chicken, homemade red-skinned mashed potatoes, fresh green beans (a world of difference from canned green beans), deviled eggs, and Aunt Jane's cranberry apple dessert. We used fresh cranberries, and it turned out great!

We wanted to get a shot of our Christmas tree with the presents under the tree.

At 7pm, we attended a beautiful Christmas Eve Service at our friend Donnie's church, The Church of the Apostles, in Raleigh. They had good hymns, a great string quartet, a meaningful sermon, and a reflective Communion time.

Yours Truly,


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