Still Waiting for Baby...

Yes, we are still patiently (ok, not so patiently) waiting for Baby Byrd's arrival. Sometimes the days seem to drag by as we wait to meet our son or daughter! At 37 weeks I was determined the baby was "done" and ready for the big debut, but obviously God had other plans. This Wednesday will mark 40 weeks! During the wait of the past several weeks we have...

*watched movies (mostly from the Redbox)
*been shopping
*read for pleasure (as opposed to reading for school...)
*celebrated New Year's at IHOP (yes, the restaurant... we had fun hats and everything!)
*hiked- on trails at Eno State Park, Blue Jay Pointe, and also down the road when it snowed!
*helped decorate a friend's surprise 30th birthday party and then attended the party:

*slept in (we hear we won't get to do this as much when Baby Byrd comes...)
*made awesome cranberry cookies (Jimmy received the ingredients in a mason jar as a gift from PSS)
*spent time with friends
*attended the REI Garage Sale (and will go to a class there Tuesday night if there's still no baby...)
*been to small group
*celebrated our anniversary (see above post)
*tried some new yummy frozen entrees... like this Bertolli dinner...complete with exotic orange champagne otherwise known as Diet Sunkist....

....and a few other things....

We're grateful for the fun couple time we've had! And we're excited about the upcoming birthday!!!! :)


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