L, M, N, O, Pea! (A flashback to last month...)

We let Charlie get used to rice cereal for a month before we introduced anything else. So, right after he turned 5 months old we started him on his next solid food, peas. Here's how he felt about them that first day:

He made this face after just about every bite, but oddly enough he kept eating! I figured they just tasted weird to him after being used to formula and cereal, so we kept at it. I think day 5 of the pea adventure was the first time he actually gobbled them up!

Before he realized I was going to feed him more than one spoonful.


Thinking about it...


Maybe this was a bad idea, Mom.

Seriously, who eats these?!


What a cute mess...

We are happy to report that now Charlie is also eating carrots, apples, and a spinach/potatoes combo. He seems to be enjoying his food! Just yesterday he graduated to three solid food meals a day and still gets three bottles as well. He's growing up fast!


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