Saturday Morning
What is this, you ask?
Well, it is the pile of laundry I had to wash after Charlie's nap Saturday morning...
Earlier that morning he had dirtied his PJ shorts, so when I changed his diaper before nap I didn't put them back on.
I walked in his room after he woke up to find his dry diaper laying on the floor outside of his crib.
He had peed AND pooped IN his crib, and he was standing there crying.
I was so stunned I didn't know what to say.
Anyway.... we got it all cleaned up, Charlie took a bath, I opened the windows to air everything out, and I learned never to send my child to bed without pants again.
After relaying the story to a couple people, I have since also learned that I am fortunate he did not finger paint on the walls! Whew!!!!
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