
Charlie calls our neighbor Sarah Grace "Gace." He loves playing with her! They are only two weeks apart, and her mom Megan and I get our kids together quite a bit. Here are some of Megan's pictures she shared with me that she had taken over the late part of the summer and fall.

There's not much better in the summertime than popsicles!

I wonder what Charlie was thinking? Maybe that she's a pretty girl. Or maybe that he wanted her popsicle. Yeah, probably that.


Truly I could eat her up. She calls me Boka and gives me lots of hugs. Such a sweet girl!
(And she has great shoes- Mary Janes that match almost every outfit!)

Halloween night before we took the kids trick-or-treating together. She was obviously a tiger!

Waiting in line together for some candy on Main St.

Playing on one of the apartment complex playgrounds together.

Playing in the leaves!

Sweet friends!


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