Charlie-isms and other things I want to remember....
Until recently Charlie didn't say "Happy Birthday," he said "Happy Day!" He asks me to sing "Happy Birthday" A LOT.
"Zeber" (zebra)
His reindeer noise (which also happens to be the noise for camels and any other animal he doesn't know the sound for)
I love hearing Charlie say "Pay trucks, Mommy" or "Pay cars, Mommy!" He also loves to "pay farm," and the farmer is named Farmer Jed, just like in the Little People farm book.
His buddy GW he calls "Double." He also loves his friends "Ashin," "Bison," and "SarGrace."
When we swing the boys like me to sing "Swinging in the Breeze" (a song Mom always sung to us too, to the tune of "Bringing in the Sheaves").
"Silly Cha-lie!" He also says "Silly Daddy!" a lot.
Whenever Charlie sees a baby or animal he thinks is cute he says, "Hug'im" (hug him). If we're reading a book and he says that I put the book up to his face and he leans into it.
"Whedego" (Where'd it go? Also, he would shorten it sometimes to just "Wudy?" and that meant the same thing!)
"Hula hoot" (hula hoop), "bowlt" (bowl).... puts a "t" on the end of some words that don't have that sound.
"Hold you" (Instead of hold me- one of my most favorite things he used to say. I refused to correct the grammar.)
"Down me!" (Get me down!) Now he usually says "Get do-wn!" (Hyphenated because he makes that word into two syllables.)
"Corn-a" (Acorn- he used this for a while last fall!) It was also cute to hear him learn to say "Merry Christmas" last winter; it came out something like "Krissin" at first!
I believe "Daddy at work" was his first sentence.
Often when someone does something Charlie thinks is noteworthy, he says "Yay! You did it!" For example, one time he threw his breakfast yogurt (which he was eating during a morning video while I was upstairs trying to get myself together for the day and spend time in Scripture) ALL OVER THE (living room) FLOOR. When I saw this, I prayed to have mercy on him and began cleaning up. When I was finished he gleefully shouted "Yay Mommy! You did it!!!!" and clapped his hands. How can you be mad at that?!
"Dip, daddy. Open da fridge!"
"Open da doe-ur" (Open the door; he really draws out door when he says it!) He often says this when there's a picture of a door in a book that he wishes he could open. I think this is partly because he has some books with actual doors that have pictures behind them. I usually explain that it's just a picture and we can't open it, but that doesn't stop him from asking! One time we got a book from the library called Duck's Rainy Day (I think). On the inside of the front cover there is a picture of Duck's house with the door closed. When Charlie saw this he asked where Duck was, and I must've responded that he was inside his house or something like that because then Charlie knocked on the door in the book and said "Duuuuuck!!!!" really loud. I'm not sure if he really thought Duck would come out but it was precious!
"Henry brudder" (Henry brother)
"That-one" park or "that-one" ball (instead of saying that park or that ball)
"N'ur paci" (Another paci) or "n'ur one paci"
"Unca Danul" (Uncle Daniel)
Jimmy: "What Charlie?"
He puts "my" in front of a lot of words now. For instance, he'll say, "I want my Noer dog."
"Fammich" (Sandwich)
"Fatula" (Spatula)
Happy Mother's Day came out "Happy Mon Day" at first and then became "Happy Mudder's Day."
Several months ago Charlie walked by a trash can and said "Ossar, Mommy!" He was talking about Oscar the Grouch, ha!
"Melmo" (Elmo)
He has called Curious George just "George" and also "the monkey."
Charlie's favorite songs: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," "Jesus Loves Me," "Jesus Loves the Little Children," "Old McDonald Had a Farm," and "Wheels on the Bus." After reading stories at night Charlie asks to "Rock, Mommy." During this time Jimmy or I sing his song requests to him. He'll say "Sing Twinkle Sar," or "Sing Jesus" or "Oldmidonnahadafarm" or more recently "That Jesus" which is "Jesus Loves the Little Children." Whenever I sing that song he always says, "Pink, Mommy," meaning to sing "pink" in place of one of the skin colors "red and yellow, black and white." I don't know why he picks pink, but it's always the same request! Randomly he will ask for a verse of "Wheels on the Bus"... he'll say "Driver on the bus, Mommy," and I'll sing that verse or whichever one he asks for. Today at lunch he said "Zaccheus." I had seen his picture from church, which was a picture of Jesus trying to get Zaccheus out of the tree, so I started singing the children's song about him, "Zaccheus was a wee little man..." Charlie loved it! He asked me to sing it over and over!
"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" is the first song he has learned how to (somewhat) sing. Also, when he helps me sing the ABCs, he likes to help with certain parts. My favorite is "elemenopeeeee" (LMNOP).
"Wuv you." (Love you)
Charlie always calls the shark bath toy a dolphin. Always.
Recently his cars and trucks go to Chick-fil-A or PDQ. He also asks to go to the beach sometimes.
After he learned not to say "No" to all questions, he began to say "Oh" in place of yes. For example: "Charlie, did you have a good nap?" "Oh." Now he says "'Kay" (okay) sometimes.
Charlie plays with his Little People nativity all the time. He loves the Christmas story about baby Jesus and just about every night we read one of his Christmas story books to him. We also read his toddler Bible a good bit. I love it when he asks to read his Bible. We talk a lot about Jesus, and recently he asked where Jesus was. I did my best to explain that Jesus is in heaven right now, sitting beside God, but that his Spirit is everywhere. I then explained that Jesus' Spirit can live in our hearts when we ask him to be our Savior, and that one day we can live with him forever. Of course then he asked where heaven was and I didn't know what to say....
On the subject of Jesus, there was one night a few months ago at the dinner table when we were talking to Charlie about Christ. We were explaining how he loves him so much, and different things about Jesus' life. Without missing a beat, Charlie responds with "Cool!" We had never heard him say that before, and that he accidentally used it in the right context was hilarious. We got a good laugh out of that!
When he hurts himself he says, "Kiss it, Mommy" in his pitiful voice. Usually my kisses make it better, which I love. If only that healing power would last forever!
Just a few things I want to remember....
"Zeber" (zebra)
His reindeer noise (which also happens to be the noise for camels and any other animal he doesn't know the sound for)
I love hearing Charlie say "Pay trucks, Mommy" or "Pay cars, Mommy!" He also loves to "pay farm," and the farmer is named Farmer Jed, just like in the Little People farm book.
His buddy GW he calls "Double." He also loves his friends "Ashin," "Bison," and "SarGrace."
When we swing the boys like me to sing "Swinging in the Breeze" (a song Mom always sung to us too, to the tune of "Bringing in the Sheaves").
"Silly Cha-lie!" He also says "Silly Daddy!" a lot.
Whenever Charlie sees a baby or animal he thinks is cute he says, "Hug'im" (hug him). If we're reading a book and he says that I put the book up to his face and he leans into it.
"Whedego" (Where'd it go? Also, he would shorten it sometimes to just "Wudy?" and that meant the same thing!)
"Hula hoot" (hula hoop), "bowlt" (bowl).... puts a "t" on the end of some words that don't have that sound.
"Hold you" (Instead of hold me- one of my most favorite things he used to say. I refused to correct the grammar.)
"Down me!" (Get me down!) Now he usually says "Get do-wn!" (Hyphenated because he makes that word into two syllables.)
"Corn-a" (Acorn- he used this for a while last fall!) It was also cute to hear him learn to say "Merry Christmas" last winter; it came out something like "Krissin" at first!
I believe "Daddy at work" was his first sentence.
Often when someone does something Charlie thinks is noteworthy, he says "Yay! You did it!" For example, one time he threw his breakfast yogurt (which he was eating during a morning video while I was upstairs trying to get myself together for the day and spend time in Scripture) ALL OVER THE (living room) FLOOR. When I saw this, I prayed to have mercy on him and began cleaning up. When I was finished he gleefully shouted "Yay Mommy! You did it!!!!" and clapped his hands. How can you be mad at that?!
"Dip, daddy. Open da fridge!"
"Open da doe-ur" (Open the door; he really draws out door when he says it!) He often says this when there's a picture of a door in a book that he wishes he could open. I think this is partly because he has some books with actual doors that have pictures behind them. I usually explain that it's just a picture and we can't open it, but that doesn't stop him from asking! One time we got a book from the library called Duck's Rainy Day (I think). On the inside of the front cover there is a picture of Duck's house with the door closed. When Charlie saw this he asked where Duck was, and I must've responded that he was inside his house or something like that because then Charlie knocked on the door in the book and said "Duuuuuck!!!!" really loud. I'm not sure if he really thought Duck would come out but it was precious!
"Henry brudder" (Henry brother)
"That-one" park or "that-one" ball (instead of saying that park or that ball)
"N'ur paci" (Another paci) or "n'ur one paci"
"Unca Danul" (Uncle Daniel)
Jimmy: "What Charlie?"
He puts "my" in front of a lot of words now. For instance, he'll say, "I want my Noer dog."
"Fammich" (Sandwich)
"Fatula" (Spatula)
Happy Mother's Day came out "Happy Mon Day" at first and then became "Happy Mudder's Day."
Several months ago Charlie walked by a trash can and said "Ossar, Mommy!" He was talking about Oscar the Grouch, ha!
"Melmo" (Elmo)
He has called Curious George just "George" and also "the monkey."
Charlie's favorite songs: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," "Jesus Loves Me," "Jesus Loves the Little Children," "Old McDonald Had a Farm," and "Wheels on the Bus." After reading stories at night Charlie asks to "Rock, Mommy." During this time Jimmy or I sing his song requests to him. He'll say "Sing Twinkle Sar," or "Sing Jesus" or "Oldmidonnahadafarm" or more recently "That Jesus" which is "Jesus Loves the Little Children." Whenever I sing that song he always says, "Pink, Mommy," meaning to sing "pink" in place of one of the skin colors "red and yellow, black and white." I don't know why he picks pink, but it's always the same request! Randomly he will ask for a verse of "Wheels on the Bus"... he'll say "Driver on the bus, Mommy," and I'll sing that verse or whichever one he asks for. Today at lunch he said "Zaccheus." I had seen his picture from church, which was a picture of Jesus trying to get Zaccheus out of the tree, so I started singing the children's song about him, "Zaccheus was a wee little man..." Charlie loved it! He asked me to sing it over and over!
"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" is the first song he has learned how to (somewhat) sing. Also, when he helps me sing the ABCs, he likes to help with certain parts. My favorite is "elemenopeeeee" (LMNOP).
"Wuv you." (Love you)
Charlie always calls the shark bath toy a dolphin. Always.
Recently his cars and trucks go to Chick-fil-A or PDQ. He also asks to go to the beach sometimes.
After he learned not to say "No" to all questions, he began to say "Oh" in place of yes. For example: "Charlie, did you have a good nap?" "Oh." Now he says "'Kay" (okay) sometimes.
Charlie plays with his Little People nativity all the time. He loves the Christmas story about baby Jesus and just about every night we read one of his Christmas story books to him. We also read his toddler Bible a good bit. I love it when he asks to read his Bible. We talk a lot about Jesus, and recently he asked where Jesus was. I did my best to explain that Jesus is in heaven right now, sitting beside God, but that his Spirit is everywhere. I then explained that Jesus' Spirit can live in our hearts when we ask him to be our Savior, and that one day we can live with him forever. Of course then he asked where heaven was and I didn't know what to say....
On the subject of Jesus, there was one night a few months ago at the dinner table when we were talking to Charlie about Christ. We were explaining how he loves him so much, and different things about Jesus' life. Without missing a beat, Charlie responds with "Cool!" We had never heard him say that before, and that he accidentally used it in the right context was hilarious. We got a good laugh out of that!
When he hurts himself he says, "Kiss it, Mommy" in his pitiful voice. Usually my kisses make it better, which I love. If only that healing power would last forever!
Just a few things I want to remember....
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