Charlie Turns 3!!!
Charlie chose a dinosaur theme for his party this year. We blew up lots of green balloons, taped "dinosaur prints" on the carpet leading to the kitchen, and decked out the kitchen with dinosaur decorations.
Here is Charlie's cake, complete with dinosaur figurines! (They even opened to show their skeletons!)
For snacks we had dinosaur chicken nuggets, grapes, cheddar cheese Chex Mix, cheese, and cake and ice cream. Yum!!
The first thing we did was paint dinosaurs. The kids could pick the colors they wanted.
Everyone busy with their artwork!
The birthday boy concentrating on his project.
Here are the finished products drying! Once the paint dried, they could put the stegosaurus spikes on their dinosaurs (I had painted them the night before to eliminate that step!). It ended up being a cute craft that the kids really seemed to enjoy.
After the craft it was time for cake!
Singing to our boy.
Waiting for his piece of cake!
Everyone enjoyed the snacks!
Charlie in his special dinosaur hat from Sarah Grace.
After snacks and some play time, it was time for the dinosaur pinata!
Charlie giving it a whack.
Henry's turn.
Bryson taking a shot at it.
All the other kids took turns, and then Charlie gave it another try. That dinosaur just didn't want to be destroyed!
Jimmy finally got it, and the kids had fun collecting candy.
The party favor was a plastic dinosaur cup that they could each put their candy in and take home.
Henry doing what he does... standing around eating a piece of candy!
The party crew!
Charlie later that afternoon, in his fireman suit Granana and Gammer gave him.
The next day was Charlie's actual birthday, and the day began with opening his presents from us! We sat his easel in the middle of the floor with a birthday message on the chalkboard and painting paper in front of it.
Here he is sweetly allowing Henry to open one of his presents, a matching game.
Opening a puppet kit we got him with birthday money from Grandma.
Opening his last gift...
...a dinosaur puzzle!
Charlie got to pick where we went to lunch after church since it was his birthday, and he chose Taco Bell.
Enjoying his chicken quesadilla!
Excited to be there!
The Byrds!
A birthday noogie for Charlie...
...and one for Daddy, too!
After lunch Mom and Dad brought by a new-to-us kitchen she found for a great deal while bargain hunting. This was not for Charlie's birthday but was quite a treat nonetheless! The boys have really enjoyed it. Here Charlie is filling cups with water (which he knows how to do because of Tara's fridge!).
Stocking the fridge.
The birthday boy with Granana and Gammer.
We love you to pieces Charlie... your exuberance and enthusiasm, your affection for others, your curiosity, your creativity, everything. You are a ray of sunshine, and when you came to us three years ago we had no idea we could love someone so deeply and so fully. We are thankful beyond words to have you and will always love you more than you know. Happy 3rd Birthday sweet boy!
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