3 Weeks Old!
Little Charlie is becoming less little by the day! Today, he is 20 days old. In some ways, it seems like his birth was a while ago, but it is amazing that 3 weeks have already passed. We are blessed that he has been so good thus far. (He slept well last night - went to bed at 1:00 am and woke at 5:30 am, and he has been eating a farily consistent intervals). He also seems to have just a chill, relaxed attitude. Honestly, it has been a challenging adjustment, but we would not trade it for the world. If you haven't been to personally meet our son, then we hope that the pictures and videos help some. We are really proud and excited parents!
Yes, he wore all these different outfits today for the photo shoot.
Ok, we probably had to change him because he peed on himself.
The following were taken on Jan 31st:
- Dad is very proud of his son. :)
You guys! He is just precious...handsome boy! Praise the Lord for sweet gifts ;) I can not wait to meet him one day...and introduce him to my boys! Love all three of you!