Time Flies When You're Having Fun!!

Wow... time flies. Our boy is three months old today! 

But first- because we're slacker bloggers- here are the super-belated two month pictures! 

So this is how we started out on 3/19/11- Charlie was having a ball in the early morning as usual, and I fell asleep watching! I love playing with him in the morning, but apparently sleep overtook me on this day.

And here is our precious taking his morning nap, two months old!
Two month stats: 13 pounds and 13 ounces
23.25 inches

Now... here is our happy camper this morning before going to school!

Check out the big boy clothes!

Oh, I love that smile. Can't get enough.

Morning napette before school.

Charlie didn't have to go to the doctor for a well baby visit at the three month mark, but he did get a minor eye infection. So, we went to the doctor's office last week at 12 weeks to the day. He weighed in at 15 pounds! Whew!
We are so thankful for a growing, healthy son!


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