Easter 2012
We had a wonderful Easter this year, spent with really good friends!
Our morning began with Charlie surveying his Easter gifts from us:
We got him some spring and summer items and a couple pieces of candy.

Of course the first thing he went for was the balloon!
Trying to catch a bubble!
We let him have some of his chocolate covered Peep, and he loooooved it!
We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast and headed out to church a while later. The service was very celebratory, as an Easter service should be, but Jimmy and I were discussing on the way home afterwards that we think our services are just as special and celebratory during other weeks of the year too! We are so thankful to be able to celebrate Christ's bodily resurrection, and its implications for our lives, not just every Sunday, but every day!!! Our pastor has been preaching through Deuteronomy for pretty much the whole year so far, and we have been having Communion just about every week as well. We look forward to corporate worship on Sundays as one of the high points of our week. It is definitely wonderful to gather with other brothers and sisters in Christ, hear God's Word preached, sing, serve in the nursery and study in Life Change class, and celebrate the Lord's Supper (and some weeks, like this Easter, we get to celebrate baptism during the service, while other weeks we have it at the lake in the evening!).
After church we had a great time having lunch at Flaherty Park with our small group peeps. Everyone brought a dish or two and blankets and chairs. It was so yummy! And I ate too much dessert. But I reasoned that it was Easter and was therefore okay. Jimmy and Charlie walked all over the nearby playground and grassy area after lunch... Charlie wore himself out and loved every minute!
For dinner we cooked and were able to have our friends Mandie and Jason over. We had feta veggie quiche, asparagus, fruit, croissants, and creme brulee cheesecake for dessert (from the frozen section- and it was amazing!!). We sat around and chatted over coffee for a few minutes after dinner, and then once Charlie went to bed the four of us watched a movie together. What a nice, relaxing day!
Happy Easter, everyone!
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