Our Trip to Lynchburg!
For weeks before going, I was counting down the days to our trip to Lynchburg!! Meredith invited me to visit with her, Darla, Sallie, and Dennis on her last trip down from CT. She and I were planning on having some time to hang out (just the 2 of us), which we hadn't had in a loooong time, and we were also looking forward to watching our little ones play together.
Charlie and I got to spend two nights and three days with them, and we packed a lot into those few days!
It's an especially neat season of life that we are sharing right now- not only are we sharing motherhood, but we are both currently pregnant with baby boys! I am due around May 6, and she is due around July 10.
After lunch and visiting a while on Monday afternoon, we got to have a shower for Meredith! Mom, Sallie, and I tried to be sneaky and surprise her. Turns out Monday afternoon is a good time for a baby shower!

Darla put on her pretty dress for the party after naptime!
Opening gifts! She got lots of nice things for their baby boy.
Darla and Charlie playing in the kitchen!
Darla and Kylie
Charlie playing ball with Naomi
The shower crowd
The little cousins had fun running back to Darla's room during the shower and hiding in these pillows! There was much squealing involved from both of them. : )
Monday night we all went to The Summit to eat dinner with Grandma and Gene.
When we got back, Darla helped give Charlie his bath!
Meredith and I had talked on the phone about celebrating our little boys when we got together, and this is the cake she got since she didn't know we were going to have a "real" shower Monday afternoon. She and Darla also had some gifts for baby Henry!
Tuesday Meredith and I had lots of relaxing girl time! It was so nice to be able to just visit with her. Grandma and Sallie watched the munchkins while she and I ate lunch out, got pedicures, went kids consignment store shopping, watched "The Iron Lady," and had dinner and ice cream!!!! It was a very lovely day together, and we decided it should become an annual tradition!
Wednesday morning we took the kids to a nearby playground.
Then we went to Chick-Fil-A at the mall for lunch and did some shopping.
Needless to say, they had a lot of fun together!
Snack time!
Dennis even joined in for snack and video time for a little while!
After dinner and bath time Wednesday night, Charlie and I headed back home. We had such a wonderful time and were so grateful for the chance to visit!
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