Just a Couple Pictures
I was taking a picture of the stick here. Charlie loves to find sticks in the yard, and apparently he found the perfect spot for this one on this little bike! I thought he looked cute riding by with that long stick hanging out the back.
**Jimmy tried to put the stick back in that spot later after Charlie took it out, and he couldn't do it. Must be a one-year-old thing. : )
This is the little fork and plate that go with Charlie's play kitchen. One night when dinner was almost ready he came up to me, put his plate and fork on the table, and said "Pease! Pease!" Apparently he thought we weren't taking care of dinner quick enough! We let him eat his veggies on that plate.
A couple other things:
Charlie can now say Henry's name. Sometimes it comes out "Henwy," sometimes "Hen-er-y," and sometimes it actually sounds like "Henry!" Often when Charlie learns a new word he adds an extra syllable or two. He has called Jimmy "Jim-in-y" a time or two!
Finally, when Charlie really likes something or thinks it's funny, he grins and says, "Fun-ny!"
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