The Grounds Crew
No pictures today, but I wanted to jot down a few things about our morning for memory's sake.
Today was exciting for Charlie because the Southeastern Grounds Crew came to our apartment complex to take care of all the lawns! There were two riding mowers and several weedeaters to watch! Once he heard them he was very excited to go outside. We put Henry in the stroller and followed them from yard to yard for a good while, stopping by their big truck as well to chat about that. Charlie was especially mesmerized by the lawnmowers. We finally made it down to the mail house, which Charlie enjoys playing in. He has found a locker that isn't locked and is just his height- he likes to open and close it and put acorns and rocks in there! At one point he had picked up so many acorns he couldn't hold them all anymore, so I showed him how to put them in his pocket. He seemed to think that was nifty. Then he found a stick he immediately began to wield like a sword! We discussed no hitting with sticks, especially baby Henry. : )
We ran into some neighbors on the way back to the house and had a good time playing with them for a few minutes. So, nothing out of the ordinary really, but a fun morning exploring with my boys!
A couple random things- Henry is making all kinds of noises now, and it's so sweet to hear! He actually wakes up quite pleasant sometimes (unlike his brother, who wakes up grumpy a lot) and just lays there and talks. He has started to say "dadadadada..." a lot, which although I know he loves his dad a lot, I don't think that's what he's saying!
For several days Charlie was saying something like "sem-in-em-in" and Jimmy and I just couldn't figure out what he was trying to communicate. We wondered one night, "Has he heard the word 'seminary' and is now trying to repeat it?" But we didn't really think it could be that. Yesterday he was playing with his cement truck and repeated that word again. CEMENT TRUCK!!! That's it! He looked so pleased when we finally figured it out! We talk about cement trucks a lot because he has one and because he sees them in books! He is also starting to repeat certain things we say. The other day we were looking for his paci, and I said, "Do you want me to help you find it?" And Charlie said, "Find it!!" One day he also said, "Want it!"
We recently taught Charlie our names. Jimmy has been teaching him that his name is Charlie, and he calls himself "Char Char," which I think is ADORABLE!!! He can also say Jimmy and Bocka now too. Ha! A couple times he called me Bocka, which I don't really mind. Every woman is mama right now, and every man is dada, so I don't really mind if I'm Bocka on occasion. Our next door neighbor Sarah Grace he calls "Gace," and she calls him "Charey." So cute!!!
Okay, now I'm off to go do a few things before the boys wake up!
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