Our Boys' Dedication
November 18th was a very special day for the Byrd family. Jimmy and I got to participate in North Wake's Child Dedication service and dedicate both Charlie and Henry to the Lord! At the beginning of the service the families participating were called by name up to the front, and Larry spoke about the significance of the occasion. In dedicating our children to the Lord, we were acknowledging that we know our children are not our own- they are ultimately the Lord's, given to us for a time to raise in the fear and knowledge of Him. We were acknowledging that we desperately desire Jesus to work in our children's lives, that we long for the Lord to bring our children to salvation in Him, and and that we pray He would use them mightily for His kingdom's purposes.
Jimmy and I made a vow before our congregation to model our faith to our boys, to speak of our faith to them, and to pray for them. Then Larry and the congregation prayed over all of us dedicating our children.
Before the service we were given a book as a gift from our church called Praying for the Next Generation. I was glad to get a guide to help me pray for my children (and my children's children, etc!).
Before the service we were given a book as a gift from our church called Praying for the Next Generation. I was glad to get a guide to help me pray for my children (and my children's children, etc!).
We extended an invitation to family to come be with us on this special day, and we were so excited that some could come! Dad, Grandma, Gene, Eileen, Jane & Frank, Rhonda & Katie, and Jason, Mandie, and Will all came to the service (we were sad Mom and Daniel weren't able to come because of sickness! Boo!). After the service we headed to the Olive Garden to eat lunch together, and then everyone came to the house for dessert before leaving town.
We did not get a family picture before leaving church. Fail.
The baby boys- Henry and Will (Charlie calls him "Whee-ul"). Charlie feel asleep on the way back from the Olive Garden and went straight upstairs for his nap once we got home. And in case you're wondering... Henry is in an outfit that doesn't fit very well because he had a major blowout once we got the restaurant. Unfortunately this was the only other outfit in his bag!
We did not get a family picture before leaving church. Fail.
The baby boys- Henry and Will (Charlie calls him "Whee-ul"). Charlie feel asleep on the way back from the Olive Garden and went straight upstairs for his nap once we got home. And in case you're wondering... Henry is in an outfit that doesn't fit very well because he had a major blowout once we got the restaurant. Unfortunately this was the only other outfit in his bag!
The happy and thankful parents
We had a house full!
With my two aunties- love you all!
Katie and Henry
The Hammonds
The cake we got- we are thankful for the opportunity we have to raise our sweet boys!
Once everyone left we had some time to spend together, just the four of us, since I had the whole day off from work!
We had a house full!
With my two aunties- love you all!
Katie and Henry
Katie got Henry to sleep!
The Hammonds
The cake we got- we are thankful for the opportunity we have to raise our sweet boys!
Once everyone left we had some time to spend together, just the four of us, since I had the whole day off from work!
How blessed we are! We love you Charlie and Henry!
" 'Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.' " Deut. 6:4-9
Lord, may Your Word be seared on our hearts and constant in our minds. May your Word affect every area of our lives, and may we live in obedience to it. Help us to teach your Word to our boys. Help our lives to be centered on you, Christ. Be our treasure and the reason we get up every morning. We pray you would draw our boys to you, to salvation in your name, and that you would use us and them for your good purposes. We love you Lord.
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