Well the Byrds had a blast this Halloween! It was a full and fun day for sure.
Scooby Dooooo!
I loved the tail and that spot on the bum!
My Henry baby, as a little puppy (Charlie wore this last year!)
For lunch we took a walk to Olive Garden to cash in on the free kids meal for those wearing costumes.
We had a nice walk there, enjoyed our lunch together, shopped a few minutes at Kohl's, then walked back.
We played outside a little while when we got back.
For dinner we ate with our neighbors since we were taking the kids trick-or-treating together. We had 50 cent corn dogs from Sonic, baked beans, and potato salad. Yum! Then we were off to Main Street! For those of you who don't live here, Main Street has lots of beautiful historic homes that many owners decorate for Halloween. On Halloween night, many of them also stand outside in costume and hand out candy to the kids (and one house even gives out hot chocolate and coffee for the adults!). There are sidewalks down each side of the street so you don't have to walk in the road, and lots of people come out for the fun!
We were excited to take Charlie and Sarah Grace for their first trick-or-treating adventure!
Here's Charlie with his candy from the first house:
He loved carrying his bucket and trotting down the sidewalk, and he was mesmerized by some of the decorations. And he definitely got the hang of going to the houses to get candy! He never did say "trick-or-treat" like we practiced, but he did say "Thanks" when I prompted him.
Henry, coming along for the fun! Miraculously (and thankfully) he chatted and giggled the whole time!
And then... the camera battery died. Of course. I'm hoping to post a few of Megan's pictures once I get them. Anyway, I loved walking with Charlie up to the houses and watching Jimmy and Charlie when they went together. Charlie was just so excited! On the way back to the car he was even waving at everyone and saying hi!
Several pictures from Jimmy's phone once we got back to the van:
Pease, pease!!
A Twix in one hand and a Dum Dum in the other makes for a happy boy!
We finished out the night with a visit to the Sixes, where they and the Porters were doing a fun outdoor party for all the trick-or-treaters. Hot chocolate and cream cheese cookies made for a happy mommy and daddy!
On the way home we heard "Thriller," and Halloween was complete.
Happy Halloween everyone!
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