Charlie Turns Two!
Well, we celebrated with a party on the 12th, but of course we wanted to make Charlie's actual birthday, January 19th, extra special too! We began with present time. He was excited to get a firetruck and played with it a lot that morning!
He was anxious to get it out of the box.
Present Opener Pro
An Elmo potty! And when you "flush," it either makes a toilet sound or Elmo laughs or talks. Ha! After watching a DVD about Elmo learning how to use the potty, Charlie became interested in sitting on the potty. Thus, his gift.
Trying it out
This is where it sits for now, but once we begin potty training it will move upstairs.
Then it was time for Charlie's birthday breakfast- a yummy breakfast casserole and oranges!
My three men :)
Hanging out with Charlie
Granana and Granddaddy came later that morning so we could all go out to lunch together. Here he is opening an ABC puzzle book from them (which we put together a lot- he loves it!).
Charlie loves pizza, and he loves the salad at Olive Garden, so we took him there.
Henry likes sitting in a high chair when we go out now!
Both boys behaved really well, especially considering the fact that we were there almost 2 hours!
Us- the proud parents of a 2-year-old and an 8-month-old!
It's always nice to have help with a bottle when we're out to eat!
We got him a dolcini since he ate one before and loved it! It was his 'zert (dessert). He blew the candle out all by himself!
Digging in
That is a face of intense enjoyment right there! (And one has to open wide to fit all that dessert in!)
Chill little Henry, in the parking lot before leaving
Then we went to show Granana and Granddaddy the 'dozers (his name for them). The excavator, skid steer, and dump truck were there.
Never thought we'd attempt a family picture with something like this in the background, but hey, why not?!
A rare picture- they're both looking at the camera and smiling!
Happy 2nd Birthday Charlie! We love you!
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