Different Things, March & April 2013 (Part II)
At a the annual Police Dept. Kid's Carnival (April 9th)
Henry rode around all night looking at the lights and rides, and Charlie ran around doing the same. Charlie seemed fascinated with everything!
This is the only ride Charlie would get on, but he loved it! He rode it multiple times.
I love this picture- he looks so precious waving!
Eating a snow cone.
A few pictures of Henry...
This boy loves to throw anything he can get his hands on, and then he goes after it!
Loving the Thomas chair
Learning to drink from a sippee cup!
Henry and Will (aren't they precious?!) (April 15th)
Charlie and Noer (April 18th)
He wanted to feed Noer one day, so he put a bib on him, put him in the feeding chair, and got to it! He sure does love that puppy dog.
Right before I took this picture Charlie said, "Noer, cheese!!!!" (like I tell Charlie when I want him to smile). So sweet and funny!
*A little Noer tidbit I want to remember- he has a little pouch/pocket on his back (since he used to be a child leash...) that Charlie has started to put stuff in (like pacis, rocks, etc.). Several times when I picked Noer up today he was rather heavy from rocks Charlie brought back from the beach!
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