Granana's Camera, Part II
Henry's Weekend with Granana and Gammer
Their first stop was Shorty's Hot Dogs in downtown WF.
Inspecting Uncle Daniel's wall art (the ugly fish)
Asleep with his two favorites, Mickey and Puppy.
Asleep with his bum in the air, which he still does a lot.
There's always time to play ball!
Watching TV in the recliner
Having lunch with Grandma and Sallie
Sharing Cheerios with Gammer
Reading with Granana
Reading with Gammer
My sweet boy
Sleepy eyes!
Grandma and Gene, at Grandma's birthday dinner
Grandma and Daniel
Everybody! (We weren't at this dinner, but I like having pictures of Grandma, Gene, Sallie, and Dennis that I wouldn't otherwise have.)
Reading with Daddy
I love this picture of Uncle D reading to Henry!
Running around the kitchen table, which is a frequent form of inside amusement.
Silly boys!
One morning at library story time, during a song.
Henry enjoying his books.
Reading a Curious George book to Charlie- one of his favorite parts of library time each week!
We like to play on the playground after story time if the weather is nice and we have time.
Mom came along with us to the mall one day, where we play at the indoor playground. The boys love playing here and usually exhaust themselves running around and sliding!
Driving the nearby cars.
I love to watch them play together.
Outside with Gammer.
Dad's Birthday Dinner at Chili's
Charlie giving Gammer a card. The cards he and Henry made for him are laying in front of him.
The balloon Charlie picked out for Gammer (he was very adamant that Gammer needed a balloon!).
Dad with his cake!
We all enjoyed the cake, especially these little boys!
Uncle D and Henry- my little man is playing peek-a-boo here.
Trying to keep two wiggly boys still for a picture does not happen often.
As Mom and I like to say, "A good time was had by all!"
My cutie pie in the kitchen.
Charlie watching Ms. Louise during story time on another day.
Sitting beside his friend Cora reading. I think this is so precious!
Henry is reading too in this one!
Charlie leaving the library with his Curious George backpack full of books.
Charlie "helping" Gammer and Zane unload some furniture. He was so excited to help and made a few cute grunts as he lifted! Some of the furniture in the truck was going somewhere else and had to be unloaded so we could get Kacoo's bedroom furniture and kitchen table out for our apartment. We are loving the new-to-us furniture!
Henry was buckled in the wagon while some of it was being unloaded.
Look at that sweet smile at being able to run in the big truck!
The perfect place for a cold drink.
Entertaining Charlie!
Watching a show with Gammer.
Along with the furniture I found a pretty quilt set at Kohl's on sale. I had wanted a quilt for some time and thought this would look pretty!
At Los Tres one night with Granana and Gammer. I love his squinty "Cheese!" face!
I love these two so much!
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