The Griswold Family Summer Vacation (A.k.a. Trip to TN, Part II)
On Wednesday of our trip, I decided a low key day was in order for the boys so they could take good naps, recover from all the excitement thus far, and get geared up for the rest of the week. It was nice hanging around the house, reading, visiting with Bettra, and just relaxing. One day (I forgot which day) I went with Bettra, Granny, Marilyn, and their friend Billy to a community center for dancing. They are big into line dancing and some other types of dancing as well, so it was fun to watch them (and fun to dance a little myself!).
Thursday we were back on the road again, this time heading out to (big) Charlie's house to ride horses. On the way there we stopped in Somerville at a great local restaurant for a late lunch. It was the perfect afternoon spot for people with toddlers in tow- not many people there, a relaxed atmosphere, and a small enclosed arcade! The boys played in this area while we waited for our food.
Thursday we were back on the road again, this time heading out to (big) Charlie's house to ride horses. On the way there we stopped in Somerville at a great local restaurant for a late lunch. It was the perfect afternoon spot for people with toddlers in tow- not many people there, a relaxed atmosphere, and a small enclosed arcade! The boys played in this area while we waited for our food.
Learning to play air hockey with Mam-maw
Riding a motorcycle
Little man riding a motorcycle!
After we lunch we continued to Charlie's house to ride horses. This is the only horse Henry rode all day!
Helping Aunt Marilyn brush the horse.
Investigating the trailer
Charlie driving the jeep.
Charlie got him warmed up in the yard...
...and then down the street!
Gypsy, Marilyn's horse, that stays down the road from Charlie at his daughter's house.
Bettra getting ready to ride.
"These boots were made for walkin'..."
I actually left my boots in NC, but Marilyn has a pair just like mine that she let me borrow. I love my cowgirl boots!
I was a scaredy cat and wouldn't let Charlie let go of the rope. I was obviously very nervous- it had been 10 years or so since I'd ridden a horse!
I think this one was named Little Man, and the other horse, Star.
I think she looks pretty riding.
Look who else got to get on top of the horse?!?! Brave little Charlie!
After having fun with the horses and visiting with Charlie a bit inside, we headed back to Covington via Sonic. We all had a refreshing ice cream break and then went home and crashed!
Friday we headed out to Memphis to eat at The Spaghetti Warehouse, ride a trolley car, and see The Peabody Hotel. Mark, Melissa, Miley, and Micah got to come too!
Here is Micah keeping Henry busy before lunch. We had a nice meal there.
On the trolley after lunch, enjoying the ride!
Melissa and Granny
There are a lot of these trolleys, and they operate in the same way that a bus would. Ride a little, stop and let people off. Repeat over and over.
We made a stop at Family Dollar for a box of ice cream treats. It was SUCH a hot, humid day.
Billy helped Henry eat his ice cream.
Then we went to The Peabody Hotel, a hotel famous not only for its luxurious accommodations, but also for its ducks! Apparently the ducks come down the elevator at a certain time in the mornings, march to the fountain and swim around, then march back to the elevator to go to their room around 5. The kids loved watching them swim around. I went in the gift shop for a few minutes, and then we decided to head back to the trolley.
The gorgeous flowers in the middle of the fountain.
Where the Memphis Redbirds play. I took this one for Jimmy!
Waiting for the trolley to get back to our cars (which we had left at The Spaghetti Warehouse).
I love this picture!!
We waited and waited for a riverfront trolley to finally come, and by the time it came we were all hot, tired, and running low on patience. Once on the trolley, the heat was just oppressive inside since it stopped so much and moved pretty slow. It also stopped at one point for an extended amount of time and couldn't go forward... which flared up claustrophobia and anxiety in my like crazy. I was worried the kids would have a heat stroke or that I would have a panic attack, or that something crazy would happen. I could not bear to sit on that unmoving trolley any longer.... so we got off, and started the walk back to a big fountain we saw at a hotel. We thought the kids could splash and cool off, that we could get something refreshing to drink, and that Granny could come pick Bettra up and bring her to the car. Then she would come back to get us.
Well.... the walk was longer than we realized. So we walked, and sweated, and I prayed not to pass out.
We finally got to a hotel, where we enjoyed the AC, some water, and some comfy chairs!
Charlie and Micah enjoyed "working" at the hotel.
After we all recuperated, we headed the rest of the way to the fountain we had seen earlier to let the kids play a bit.
The rest of that night we just relaxed- we were sufficiently exhausted!
Saturday morning Marilyn and I got a pedicure at a local nail salon and stopped for coffee on the way back to the house. We then headed out meet Aunt Gail and Granny Byrd for lunch! Both boys were fussy the whole time we were at the restaurant, but I really don't blame them since we had been going hard all week!
All of us in front of the restaurant, On the Border
After lunch we went to Aunt Gail's house to visit, and the boys perked up considerably. We all had a great time!
That night I met Sarah and Todd (by myself!) at a Mexican restaurant near their house. We had a nice time chatting over chips and drinks, and then I went to see their house and meet their dogs.
Sunday we all got to go to church with Bettra at Charleston Baptist Church. This is basically Jimmy's home church and the church Bettra and Granny still go to. I really enjoyed the service. Afterwards, we headed to Granny's for lunch with the little cousins. Taj and Tori got to come too, and I talked with them for what must have been an hour! I hadn't seen them since before they got married.
Sunday afternoon, reading with Aunt Stephanie.
Uncle Daniel making Henry laugh!
The little cousin picture, Summer 2013. Hopefully this will become a tradition!
As I was packing the car, Mike and Charlie noticed the thread of one of my tires was showing. As it was necessary to tend to this before leaving, we got everything in the van and headed to Wal-Mart for a new tire. Of course the service station there was already closed. Mike came to the rescue by finding my tire at a Wal-Mart in Jackson as well as an auto shop that could put that tire on on a Sunday night! We ate at Wendy's in Covington, said our good-byes, then followed Mike to Jackson (where he lives) to the shop. He was so kind and helpful through it all, and I'm glad he was with us. He even went so far as to pay for our tire. Now that's some very gracious southern hospitality right there!
Somehow both boys stayed asleep for part of the time the van was on the jack. Henry eventually did wake up, though, and he had a dirty diaper. I changed him in the front of Mike's truck and put him in his PJs. Mike kept him occupied while I cleaned up and took care of a few things. I guess they were looking at the stars and moon here.
The shop- I had to document this.
I was more tired than I realized after leaving Jackson, so I prayed for a good place to stop. I felt like the Lord directed me to this motel, and it was both inexpensive, convenient, and nice. Once we got there we had a Cheetos party!!
So excited to be out of the van and eating a fun snack!
Charlie thought he was big time since he got to drink Sprite out of a can!
It didn't take long for us to hop into bed, and the next morning we got back on the rode. Thankfully,
driving that Monday was pretty uneventful. We made lots of stops, drove slow through the mountains so Charlie wouldn't get sick, ate dinner and played at Chick-fil-A, and were so glad to pull safely into our parking lot!! We like being able to see extended family, but of course it's always nice to be HOME again!
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