I don't do many crafts with the boys, but I really wanted to help them make jack-o-lanterns at some point in October. We ended up making them shortly before Halloween. I thought they were really cute! Charlie insisted that the one on the right needed a stem in addition to his hat.
Henry's is the one on the right, as you can tell. He liked gluing the buttons down but didn't understand that you don't take them back off again. He had a good time, though!
Mickey Mouse!
Curious George!
Happy boys before going to the Richland Creek Fall Festival.
I don't usually get crafty, but I had a blast making this mask! I tried to model it after cartoon George, not book George. Charlie loved it! I used a foam visor and part of another to make the face shape and then sewed the felt on. It was a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon!
The night that we carved our pumpkin we had pumpkin pie for dessert.
Charlie was smooshing his Cool Whip here. Awesome.
Getting out the slimy insides.
Can you tell it's Mickey? I know... it's a little rough looking...
We let the boys enjoy it lit up for a few minutes, then scooted it back to our door with the pretty untouched other side facing out, ha!
Outside our house before we left to go trick-or-treating with our neighbors on Main Street.
We may have gone by two houses on Main Street. As early as we went out, the sidewalk was still very crowded, and Henry was actually scared of any mask he saw. We were planning on going to Zane and Tara's house for a small group party, so we decided we would trick-or-treat in their neighborhood instead.
This worked out much better!
There goes George!
My lovies running down the street! They were SO excited for the 7 or so pieces of candy they each got! : )
The pumpkins the Porters (well, Zane) carved!
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