Daniel's Seminary Graduation

This spring marked the end of Daniel's seminary career! After several years of very diligent studying, he got to cross that stage and receive his Master's of Divinity. We had a wonderful day together celebrating this special accomplishment. Tara baby-sat the boys so I could come to the ceremony.

Just after receiving his diploma!

I was also glad to see Mike become Dr. Rudolph.

Andrew also got his M.Div.

All of us who came to celebrate Daniel.

The immediate family.

Nick, Daniel, Adam, and David

With the proud parents!

The Deskos!

After graduation I picked up the boys from Tara's, and then we all headed to Raleigh for lunch at Torero's. It was delicious! Charlie and Henry had picked out balloons for Uncle D that they were excited to give him. Jimmy was also able to take off a couple hours to meet us for lunch. We all had a great time visiting and celebrating Daniel!


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