Spring School Days
This spring we continued to enjoy the awesome opportunity of Granana Preschool. The boys always love their special days with her, and it provided me with childcare so I could attend two classes at Southeastern. Mom picked up with their alphabet study where they had left off before Christmas. She also brought her preschool bag every week, full of letter-themed projects and other activities she thought they would enjoy. The boys were quite excited to open the bag each time! There's just no way to convey how much I treasure this time they get with Granana and Gammer. As you can see below, our kitchen window was always full of cute artwork!
"O" artwork
Rhyming words puzzles
Mom's homemade ring toss
Working on shapes!
"P" week- P is for penguins and pigs!
Making a paper pizza during p week.
Henry's pizza
It does not get any cuter than this...
...except maybe for this.
The "P" picnic- pb&j sandwiches, pretzels, peaches and pears, and...
PUDDING! I think they're excited.
Reading to them is one of my favorite things to do.
Time to play outside! Running around with Sarah Grace.
Look at him on that big boy swing!
Who says I'm too young to drive?!?!
Foam letters at the playground
I love Henry's rocket in this picture and had it taped to the cabinet until I noticed it was starting to fade.
Gammer helping Henry with his rainbow during "R" week.
A proud artist!
Serving Uncle D dinner... and everything else in the kitchen!
Gotta put some ketchup on it!
The lemonade stand
Snacking with Gammer
A surprise during "S" week!!
It's play sandwich stuff!!!!!!
Fixing Gammer some sandwiches. He's always ready to play with his boys.
A shredded-paper S
Tools during "T" week
Making a traffic light!
Henry fixing things.
Truck and car erasers. He loves to line things up!
Truck tunnel!
And a road!
T artwork
Our underwear collection on display during "U" week, ha!
Other "U" artwork
"V" things... veggies, pictures of vets, a vest, and a Dora Valentine book
Playing Cooties
Trying out the vest!
A watermelon W during "W" week
W artwork and books!
Mom brought out the xylophone and other instruments for "X" week!
Making an x-ray!
All the artwork from "X" week
Reading with Gammer
Having a party with Gammer. Look at that delicious party food!
All the animals at the party...
"Y" week artwork and books
Yellow ducks filled with bubbles- the boys were so excited!
Another party. Charlie does love a party!
Driving trucks
At SEBTS one afternoon during Dr. Akins' 10 year anniversary celebration. Mom and Dad took the boys since I was in class.
Love that they got to ride a pony!
Watching kids at the indoor soccer field one Friday morning after going to the Tumble Gym open session. Mom and Dad came along that morning to see all the things the boys can do!
At the "kachines" in Cici's. The boys love to go back to the games whenever we go to there. This is probably one of the boys' top two favorite restaurants- they love Cici's and Chick-Fil-A! I don't mind this at all since we all love pizza and the boys eat for free at their current ages. Woohoo!
Zoo artwork during "Z" week
More artwork
Finishing up a paper one morning before class....
...and my little copy-cat!! (Excuse his slightly opened mouth mid-chew....)
Obviously the boys had a fun time with Granana during their spring preschool! I had a wonderful semester too. Both of my classes were taught by Dr. Travers and were challenging (though not too hard). I was able to spend the semester reading John Milton's Paradise Lost, which I think must be the most sublime poetry anywhere outside of Scripture, Perelandra by C.S. Lewis, and various plays by William Shakespeare. It was a very rich time of reading and study and one of the best semesters I've ever had- Master's degree classes included. So thankful for this opportunity!
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