Well, it's no secret that I love celebrations, and I especially love celebrating special milestones and events. It seems this year is the year of the baby in our lives, as we've known quite a few people who have had the blessing of adding a new little one to their families. The pictures below capture the shower Mom and I hosted for Aubrey. We were in small group with Logan and Aubrey, and then Aubrey and Lily came on Thursday afternoons for months to baby-sit the boys and give me an hour to myself. Such a blessing! We wanted to love on her with this afternoon celebration!
Since it was close to Easter, Mom and I decorated with a spring-y and bunny theme. Love the vibrant colors of spring!
Since the ladies who attended were from a couple different spheres of her life, I wanted everyone to introduce themselves at the beginning. To help with this I printed pictures of famous pregnant people, so everyone had to introduce their pregnant person and them themselves. The person who got the picture of pregnant Aubrey won a prize. : )
All the ladies voted on whether they thought Baby Rogers was a girl or boy! I think "Team Boy" wins. (And Hudson is, in fact, a precious little boy!)
Opening her gifts
The three of us!
****Interlude of the boys reading in my bed one day****
Lots of books!
Under the covers!
My sweet boys.
Love to see them reading.
The next little one we celebrated was Collin Nathaniel, Blair and Johnny's precious baby boy. As with Dylan, God used the miraculous process of in vitro fertilization to expand their family. What a blessing! I hosted a family brunch in Greensboro at Mimi's Cafe, since we could all get there pretty easily from our various locations. My plan was that we could all enjoy brunch and then have cake together afterwards. I had also invited everyone to bring a gift card for Blair since these are always useful (and easy to open in a restaurant!).
Cake and sparkling grape juice for a toast!
Close-up of the cake. I loved this particular cake since it came with the booties on top. There was room for the birth information on the bottom of the booties as well as ribbon on the top so they could be used as a Christmas ornament.
Mom reading a sweet poem to start us off. We all toasted Blair and Collin afterwards!
Opening her gift cards after brunch.
Pretty mama! That was a special morning for sure. We loved being able to celebrate the Barkers' newest upcoming addition!
Sadly, there are no pictures of the final party I hosted for Tara. We spent one Sunday evening celebrating Brayden, complete with yummy food and good girl time!
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