Halloween Festivities

Personally, I think Halloween is a pretty awesome day, and this year's celebration did not disappoint! Our festivities started with story time at the library that week. The kids got to wear their costumes, the story time focused on Halloween stories and songs, and the library had trick-or-treat "stations" set up for the kids.

The boys loved wearing their costumes for the first time! Charlie was a dinosaur and Henry was a scarecrow (specifically No Noggin from the Curious George Halloween movie... only with a head...).

I made Charlie's out of an old Scooby Doo costume. Henry wore his jeans and a shirt we got him for the occasion. I put a patch on his jeans and yellow yarn on his sleeves.

Charlie had to have a seat where his tail would fit!

Eating their treats from the library and reading books with Granana.

The next night we had a great time turning our pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns!
Jimmy drew our design before carving. The boys wanted Mickey again this year.

Scooping out the insides.

Henry decided he wanted to draw on some pumpkins just like Daddy did.

They colored all of the little ones.

Looking at the finished product!

With the lights off! Jimmy did a great job.

That night the boys let me rock them to sleep. It was precious- I love to have a lap full of my boys!

One afternoon with Mom the boys made some decorations to put on our doors. I love the smiley faces Charlie made on his pumpkins and ghosts!

Henry's decorations. Mom said he had fun cutting paper, so that random piece of what paper is what he cut.

Decorations for the front door. Charlie was especially excited!

Jimmy dressed up as a baseball player for work on the morning of the 31st. 

That night we went to Nick and Stephanie's house in Cary for dinner and trick-or-treating. We were all really excited about this! They cooked a delicious quesadilla dinner and then the boys (and Nick and Stephanie!) changed into costumes. Here they are pre-trick-or-treating. (Also, Mom had previously helped make Henry's costume look a little more scarecrowish with more yarn hay.)

Charlie's gargantuan tail that I was proud of.

Cutie pie Henry! Love his little red nose and the patch on his knees!

Heading out to collect some candy!

Stephanie- the cutest jellyfish ever! I thought this was a very clever costume!

The boys were thrilled to be walking the streets for candy and had a great time at all the different houses. It was so fun to watch them and their excitement was contagious!

They weren't shy about going to the doors and took turns ringing the doorbells.

Running down the sidewalk. So sweet!

Walking down the street with Henry holding my hand (doesn't happen often!). Also, Nick started holding Charlie's bucket when he felt like it was too heavy!

Looking at all their candy when we got back! We had some donuts together and then got the boys in their jammies before driving home. The whole night was great fun!
The next day we were supposed to participate in the Scarecrow Festival in a park in Raleigh, but sadly it was cancelled because of the weather. Maybe next year!


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