Jimmy's Birthday

The weekend before Jimmy's birthday Mom and Dad took all of us out to eat at Buffalo Brothers in WF to celebrate. Dinner was delicious and afterwards the servers brought out a birthday dessert. As the tradition goes in our family, the sweets were ravaged.

It starts out all nice... everyone is patient and nicely asks to have some.

Then it gets a little heated...

...and no one else stands a chance!

Finally it slows down...

...and the boys pretty much lick the bowl clean.

The night before Jimmy's birthday we were surprised with a couple gift cards to Z Pizza, so we had a fun family night out to eat (we normally eat at home during the week, so this was really fun!).
On Jimmy's actual birthday we served him lemon poppyseed muffins for breakfast. He ended up having a less-than-stellar day, though, since he was fighting a cold and had a really busy day at work. That night was our community group Christmas party at the Highs' house, so we had lots of good food and fellowship (just not the birthday kind, ha!). Later that weekend, we FINALLY had the birthday cobbler Jimmy requested! He wanted either blackberry or cherry, so I just combined them. It was so yummy and tart. Happy 30th Jimmy!! We love you so much, and I'm glad you've finally joined me in the 30s! : )


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