The Great Grass Adventure

As I'm sure most children do, our boy loves being outside! Case in point:

I put him here...

and he went here!

So we took a blanket and a few toys and went to play in the front yard. The grass proved more interesting than the toys, though!

Happy to be outside

Going for the green stuff! (I looove the dimples in his hands right now...)

He really loved patting the grass and pulling it up. He also tried to eat it...

Two handfulls of grass! Woohoo!

He threw it on himself?

It's the simple pleasures in life!

After leaving the door ajar several times to bring things in from the car, and finding Charlie sitting on the welcome mat waiting for me, we decided we needed this:

(Okay, so we also didn't want him roaming over to the stairs, but it's helpful to prevent him from escaping!) Every time the door is open he heads for the great outdoors! We do take him out often, especially in the afternoons. He loves to go strolling and swinging, and he likes to play in the front yard too.

Another recent discovery he has made (in addition to grass...) is wheels! He watches the wheels on his stroller, on shopping carts, on play trucks and cars... anytime there is a wheel, he is fascinated that it goes round and round! A couple weeks ago when he made an escape for the outdoor welcome mat, his umbrella stroller was sitting there. He headed straight for it and started to play with those wheels! So here is what we did for fun one chilly afternoon:

He would spin the wheels again... and again....

He then moved on to the dirt and mulch in our front yard and played in that awhile. This turned out to be as much fun as the grass!


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