I Got the Blues!...as in Bluefish

(This is only a segment from our great vacation at the beach.)

It's 4:45 am on Wednesday morning. Rebecca and I are awakened by Charlie crying, more like whining/crying. For some reason, he thought it was a good idea to wake up and play. NO Sir. He cried a few more minutes on and off. Fortunately, I had planned to wake up anyway because we were going fishing at Nags Head Fishing Pier. Little did we know what success we would have in store for us starting around 5:30. (A freshwater fisherman by trade and upbringing, I was yet to have much good fortunate in the Atlantic Ocean.) As soon as I dropped in a line, I started snagging some bluefish. I lost the first six in a row, which means that I got them halfway up the pier, but then they broke free. Then, there was lucky number 7 - the first I successfully caught. I finally pulled him up all the way, and he was a beaut, probably about 1lb. After I caught four more, it started to rain. A lot of the other fishermen took cover, but I was one of the few to stay out there. In the rain, I caught 3 more. When it was all said and done, I had caught 10 bluefish and lost 8. This is by far the best I've done saltwater fishing in one morning. Before that, I had only caught 3 at one time, two bluefish and one Spanish mackerel. Daniel, my brother-n-law, caught 5 bluefish and lost count of how many he lost.

*On fish number 7, I was pulling out the hook, and I accidently put it through my ring fingernail. Ouch!

Marsha, my mother-n-law, came out to the pier after the rain subsided with her camera.
This one was number 9. I hooked him pretty bad; he might have been a goner.


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