18 Months

November 4th was Henry's 18 month mark.
Look at our big, sweet boy!

How can 18 months have already passed?!

We do cupcakes for 1.5 because I think it's an important milestone! Here Henry is grinning because we were singing "Happy Birthday" to him. I love his sweet smile!

Enjoying his cake!

Charlie asked that we take a picture of him too. So, this one's for him.

Some common Henry-isms:
"Oh." (Drawn out and very emphatic.)
"Love'ew." (Love you, all mushed together.)
Mmmuh. (His adorable kissing sound.)
"Ar-lie!" (Charlie. This has recently acquired a "ch" so it actually sounds like Charlie.)
"Arlie, are ew?" (Charlie, where are you?)
"Mommy?" (He says this with the same questioning inflection almost every time. I hope I never forget it.)
" 'Kay." (Okay)
"Ju" (Juice)
"Mik" (Milk)
"Ball!" (Usually said with an inordinate amount of excitement.)

When he can't really say a word, he still tries hard to match the number of syllables and the rhythm a particular word has. He is slowly getting more teeth and continues to really enjoy eating. Especially dessert. Sometimes if the texture of a particular food bothers him he still spits the food right back out. I like that he usually tries most of the food on his dinner plate, though. Applesauce is still a favorite food.

Little man loooves his puppy and Mickey that he sleeps with every night, and some sort of various ball is usually his companion by day (along with Charlie, of course). He throws/kicks/bats all balls, and this makes him very happy. He slides down the stairs to come downstairs, loves jumping on Charlie's bed, runs around endlessly, thinks it's fun to be chased around the library, has the cutest giggle/cackle when you tickle him, and does a great job at keeping up with big brother.
We love you Henry Robot! : )
(Charlie's version of Henry Woodrow...)


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