Granana's Camera- The Fall

Grandma got to come visit earlier in the fall, and it was fun to have her in town for a night! I fixed dinner for us and we had a nice time visiting with each other.

Grandma helped with the bedtime routine!

Reading to the boys is one of my favorite things to do with them.

Little man loves looking at books!

The next morning Grandma had a check-up! Listening to her heart...

Henry checking her ears.

Reading with Henry.

One of Mom's requests for her birthday was to take the boys to the Bay Leaf Church playground, and they loved it! We've been back several times since then.

Charlie likes to climb on everything these days.

Driving the firetruck!

They have lots of trucks on the playground that the boys like to play with as well.

Happy boy one afternoon.


Big kids like to play too!

Carrying diapers to the dump one day- they both wanted to hold the bag of diapers.

Charlie and Sarah Grace at story time one morning.

Quackers the duck who comes each week to story time (Ms. Louise is holding him in the background).

Playing "Ride the Horse to Boston" with Gammer.

Charlie helped pick out some Christmas ornaments to give Granana as her birthday present. The only problem was that he was so enamored with them that he insisted on playing with them!! Here he is driving them around...

So cute.

Granana at her birthday dinner of veggie stuffed shells, salad, and zucchini, with her two favorite grandboys!

With her peanut butter pie that the boys helped make.

Everyone enjoyed singing "Happy Birthday to You!" Don't you like her crown? : )

Henry was pretty serious about eating this pie.

So was Charlie.



More ornament play. 

Looking cute after lunch at Olive Garden one day.

Hey Mommy!

We talked about camping some this fall, so one week Mom brought us this tent to put up. Here Charlie is cooking on his campfire picture that he made! On this morning we drank hot chocolate around the "fire" and even heard crickets as we tried to go to sleep (compliments of the sound machine)!

Mom and I after Women's Day at church. This was my birthday gift to her, and we had a great time together!

Mickey Mouse and Curious George on the night of the Richland Creek festival. My cuties!

Take 2

The Byrds before the festival.

Gammer and Granana came to see the boys all dressed up!

Painting pumpkins the week of Halloween.

Henry loved it.

And everyone got a little messy...

A sweet, brotherly headlock.

Yes, I dressed them alike. I do this occasionally and think it's lots of fun!

Roasting "marshmallows" (lacing beads) on his campfire picture!

Playing cars outside.


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