Our Big Boy

We have one growing, busy, and friendly little guy on our hands! He is getting increasingly harder to keep up with, but he is so much fun. Here is an update on Charlie from the past several months.

7 Months

On August 19 we were only a couple weeks moved in to our new place in Wake Forest. Apparently we were not too concerned with the "7 Month Pictures..."

Here it is, folks. The 7 month picture.

Sugar from Mom!

8 Months

We did better at the 8 month mark! Love these pictures!

A bit blurry, but he was sitting so nicely! That lasted about 1.2 seconds.

I love seeing that smile every day.

Can I see the camera, Mom?

Hey everyone!

9 Months

I currently cannot find his stats from his 9 month well-baby doctor's visit, but he had actually lost weight since he went in a few weeks prior for an ear infection! The doctor said it was fine, it's just because he's moving around alot! Charlie weighs in at just over 22 pounds. This particular visit was not a regular vaccine visit, but he did get the final part of his flu vaccine. We'll do our best to stay away from the flu this fall and winter!!

In this picture he is technically 9 months and 1 day. We were headed to the state fair! I love the toboggan.

Can you tell I'm a first time mom?! I had him bundled up so much he couldn't really move... I put a blanket on top of him after this picture was taken. Gradually a few layers came off as I saw other parents with children who had light jackets on...


During these three months of babyhood Charlie has done a lot of growing and changing!

*Charlie learned to sit up, first with the help of the boppy and them by himself!

He frequently sits like this now, with his little feet crossed. So cute!

*He has grown out of this baby swing:
The last time I put him in it I was afraid he would tip forward when he sat up!

*He got his first two teeth, in the center of his bottom gum.

Can you see his teeth?! (Also, I'm sure you noticed the drool on Tigger that accompanies teething...)

*He transitioned to the big blow-up duck bathtub (he quacks when you press his beak!).

He still loves bathtime and splashes a ton. Sometimes I just hold my own towel in front of me while he splashes so as to not get soaked...
This picture here is a rather tame moment in the tub.

*He has learned to drink from a sippy cup with a straw. We tried several different cups, none of which worked. We finally bought one with a straw, and he does great! He likes diluted pear juice and apple juice a lot. Plain water... not so much. When I try to give him water, he makes a face and pushes the cup away!

*Charlie is learning how to chew food. We have been giving him Puffs for a while now, and within about the last week he has learned how to get them in his mouth, chew them, and swallow them (almost every time without making a face or gagging...).

Trying to eat Puffs. As you can see, they are stuck to his shirt, hand, mouth, etc. Now, a few weeks later, he's doing great with them!

Eating LeSueur peas as his first "real" food. He didn't really pick them up, but when I put them in his mouth one at a time he would generally chew and swallow them.

Charlie eats three meals a day:
oatmeal and applesauce for breakfast
a jar of baby food meat and baby food veggies for lunch
a jar of baby food meat and baby food veggies (or two veggies) for dinner

He still has a 6 oz. bottle in the morning, a 6 oz. bottle before he goes to bed, and a 4 oz. bottle here and there as he seems to want it (sometimes mid-morning, sometimes with dinner).

Being a big boy is tiresome work!

*Charlie learned to do the "army crawl" on his belly and is now crawling completely off his stomach. He's fast, too! Now that he can move around, he does not like to sit in the exersaucers anymore.

*He has learned how to pull up on things and STAND! Whoa! Our little baby is getting so big!

Standing and playing with a walker.

A fun little table he likes to play with now. He can pull up easily and play with all the "food" on the table!

He also plays on his knees a lot these days.

Here he is looking pitiful after nap one day. It still shocks me to walk in his room and see him standing up!

His crib is now on the lowest setting! This seems to be his favorite sleep position (bum in the air!), and has been for some time.

Though I've also gone in and found him sleeping like this, which I think is precious:

*Finally, we have noticed some waves in the back of his hair! I even spied a curl one day and tried my best to capture it on film (memory card...).

Here's where I tried my best to capture the curl! Can you see it?!

It has been nothing short of amazing to watch our son grow and change right before our eyes. I am astounded at the genius and creativity of our God as I have watched Charlie learn different things. How incredible that God designed little ones to gradually become more mobile and independent and to gradually learn how to eat solid food and not need as much milk (among other things!). It is so humbling to think about Christ who created this child within me and designed him to grow in these ways.

We pray that as he grows into a little boy that he will have a heart that is sensitive to the Lord. We pray that Charlie would love God's Word and that Jesus would capture his heart at a young age. I pray that Charlie would come to know Christ as his Savior and that a passion for Him would define him more than anything as he grows up. What a privilege and sacred task we have to be Charlie's parents. Though we know it is impossible to raise him up in the ways of the Lord on our own, we know that by the grace of God and with the Holy Spirit's guidance we can teach our son about the One who knit him together and loves him more than anyone else. We also take comfort in this promise:

"But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." -2 Cor. 12:9

As we parent our son, Lord, let Your favor rest upon us, and "establish the work of our hands...yes, establish the work of our hands!" (Psalm 90:17).


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